
alan greenspan

1 comment:

............................ said...


make the connection between alan greenspan and the fed clear.

what does or did alan greenspan have to do with the fed.

what is the fed?

how does one person, alan greenspan, control an entire operation like the fed?

don't just combine image and text.

tell us what you're trying to say.

say it again and again until it's clear.

btw. heard a quote from greenspan in which he says that he thot it could work (capitalism, the market righting itself), but he now thinks he was mistaken.

maybe this is a better quote for your piece?

make the text larger.

don't be afraid to make a messy piece.

connect the dots.

tell us what you mean.

in plain, clear, simple language.

we cannot know what you're thinking.

it's not obvious from these pieces.

fix, please.
